Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Is This a Sign?

About two weeks ago, after talking to a friend, she sent me this from Deuteronomy: "Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you, He will be with you, He will neither fail you nor abandon you."  It was something I desperately needed to hear.  How cool is it that God personally goes ahead of me?  Of all the people in the world, our God has the ability to meet me on a personal level and faithfully travel the path not only with me, but He is trailblazing.  So don't be afraid about the future, because God is already ahead of you.  He already has it under control.  I wrote it down on the white board I have in my room and have looked at it ever since.

I should probably tell you that I almost never notice when God sends a sign my way.  I do believe that He sends us signs, I just always miss them.  But I don't think I miss them because I'm not paying attention.  I think the issue is that I always consider it a coincidence.  So, I'm going out on a limb here and saying that I think last night I got a sign from God.  In almost every Catholic store you can find little cards (the size of like a credit card) that has your name at the top, what your name means, and a scripture verse.  It was something I received when I made my first communion and pinned it on the bulletin board in my room.  I've had this thing since the second grade.  It's been easily visible in my room for years.  But I couldn't tell you the last time I read it.  Last night, though, I found myself reading this verse from Joshua that was on my name card: "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."  It reminded me so much of the one my friend sent me just a couple of weeks ago and at this time in my life, it's a message I needed to hear again...and will need to hear again and again.  How crazy that I could have easily had this verse memorized since it has been hanging in my room but I haven't really read it until last night?  I think God just really wants me to remember this message of courage and His faithfulness.

The skeptic and doubter in me is telling me this is probably just a cool coincidence.  But another part of me thinks it might be a sign...something God is really trying to tell me.  That's one of the hardest parts about having faith - when it comes down to it, you really never know for sure.  But you have to take that leap anyways, ignore the skepticism, and really believe in something you cannot see.

Until next time,



  1. I can relate to that. I think God talks to me all the time, but, unlike you, I really don't pay very good attention. But there are some moments, like when I'm praying or in retreat or just very focused, when I finally notice God's voice. Good for you for paying attention!
    -- Sister Leslie

  2. Awesome~ I feel the same way.

  3. I often write off things as coincidences as well, and even when I do notice God's signs in my life, it is a challenge for me to take action upon what I realize needs to be done. Sadly, it is so much easier for me to dismiss it.
